Taking a Look at the Zygor Leveling Guide

Zygor is handle of a World of Warcraft player by the name of John Cook, who I had not heard of until I heard about his guide. So it was with quite a lot of skepticism that I purchased the guide.

Amazingly, it turned out my skepticism was baseless. Cook's claim that his Zygor leveling guide is faster than any other available isn't a completely groundless assertion-he has definitely written a guide that outdoes itself. Find out how in this Zygor guide review.

If you've read some of my other articles, or are familiar with WoW at a decent level, you know the best way to level is questing. Even AoE grinding is lower in the end, compared to questing. And stuff like instancing is even worse, because finding a consistent group is pretty much completely impossible.

So if you know questing is best, why do you need a guide? To tell you what quests to do, in which order. A good player knows the best quests, and a excellent player knows what order to do them in. Experience makes you faster, like all things.

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